Thursday, November 04, 2010


I'm relieved: we all survived, and it is all gone now. Pfeeewwww! what a mad time it was! I mean Halloween. Yes, I know it's past, thank God! Why? Oh, because, after the witch costume, I had to whip up a werewolf.

Then tons of cupcakes: creepy, horror, bloody, toxic and finally, just muffins.

Well, with spiders.

And werewolf fingers.

And other wormy mushy stuff.

And other stuff.

 Then the party began. We had lots of fun.

We played on WII a whole band.

We had some fun with computer games.

 We did some crafting, building dream-catchers to prevent nightmares invade our sleep.

We carved pumpkins. OOOOhhh, look at the pumpkins!

We fixed small accidents, as falling bones of over excited skeletons.

We wanted to watch scary movies, but the DVD wouldn't work.

 Well, in the end it did work, but then we were too tired, so we went to sleep, and had small chit chat till dawn.

Then we had breakfast with all kids gathered around the kitchen table, and feeling like summer camp :).

The end.

P.S. I received token of appreciation: one girl made this for me. It says "Rox is cool!". I'm thrilled!

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